MBA Croatia: Dodjeljujemo 50% stipendiju

ZA ČLANOVE MBA Croatia: Dodjeljujemo 50% stipendije (1500 €) u suradnji sa Integral School of Organization Development There are two scholarships/partial tuition waivers offered by the School in partnership wih MBA Croatia Association. These are awarded before the Program begins, with April 20 2015 as the final deadline to submit applications. Integral School of Organization …

MBA Croatia: Dodjeljujemo 50% stipendijuRead More

Slike sa MBA Croatia predavanja: “A small country for a big music festival” – Why Ultra chose Croatia as it’s next destination, Joe Bašić

Dragi članovi i prijatelji udruge MBA Croatia, Evo i nekoliko slika s predavanja Joe Bašića na temu  “A small country for a big music festival – Why Ultra chose Croatia as it’s next destination” koje je održano 17.03.2015. Na slikama možete vidjeti zainteresirana lica brojne publike te kako smo se družili nakon predavanja. Zahvaljujemo svima koji su prisustvovali …

Slike sa MBA Croatia predavanja: “A small country for a big music festival” – Why Ultra chose Croatia as it’s next destination, Joe BašićRead More
