“How Anglo-Saxon Universities Keep the Global Leadership Position in (MBA) Education”?
MBA Croatia is organizing a new lecture on December 17th at the Forum Zagreb Convention Center starting at 6 pm. The topic of the lecture is: “How Anglo-Saxon Universities Keep the Global Leadership Position in (MBA) Education”? The first MBA was taught at Harvard University 110 years ago. A century later, Anglo-Saxon Schools still dominate the business school landscape. Is it because their scholars understand that the rate of return to schooling equates the net present value of lifetime earnings…
“Transformation of INA as part of global oil industry transformation”
MBA Croatia is organizing a new lecture on November 21st at the Forum Zagreb Convention Center starting at 6 pm. The topic of the lecture is: “Transformation of INA as part of global oil industry transformation” Oil industry is one of the most volatile industries globally, and in order to respond successfully to challenges set by such an environment, our goals and our strategy on how to achieve them must be clear. This lecture will be an overview of where…
“Insight into female leadership in traditional industry and economy”
MBA Croatia is organizing a new lecture on October 29 at the Forum Zagreb Convention Center starting at 6 pm. The topic of the lecture is: “Insight into female leadership in traditional industry and economy” About lecturer: Ivana Gažić is the President of the Management Board of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, the lead developer of the capital market in the region. ZSE provides a transparent, secure, cost-effective and efficient marketplace, while obtaining the highest quality of capital market services…
“CONTROLLING AND STORYTELLING – CEO and key business performance indicators”
MBA Croatia announces members-only workshop. The workshop will be held on October 22 at 5:30 pm at Kongresni Centar Forum Zagreb, Radnička cesta 50.You can register through the Entrio.hr link: https://www.entrio.hr/event/controlling-and-storytelling-ceo-and-key-business-performance-indicators-6946 About the workshop: Thinking about how to evaluate the quality of your business, but not sure which metrics to choose? Your business seems successful, but some indicators are not so good?After MBAonica Controlling and Storytelling you will be able to interpret your business and financial statements independently. You…
“Building long term reputation vs being less popular today“
MBA Croatia announces a new interesting lecture on 17th Septemper 2019., at the Congress Center Forum Zagreb, starting at 18:00. The lecture is held by Mr. Miroslav Klepač, a Member of the Croatia osiguranje d.d. Management Board specializing in finance. The theme of the lecture is: “Putting the elephant on the table – building long term reputation vs being less popular today“ About lecture: In this interactive lecture we will explore questions like: Why is personal integrity important for…
Album: MBA Croatia Business Conference 2019.
Proud sponsors of MBA Croatia Business Conference 2019: HEP – our Golden Sponsor, Rasco, Vlahovic Group, Tomich Productions, Poliklinika Bagatin, Coca Cola, Časopis Poduyetnik, Kongresni Centar Forum Zagreb, AVR, Total Croatia News, ICT Business
“Development and Growth of JGL”
MBA Croatia announces a new interesting lecture, May 21, 2019, at the Congress Center Forum Zagreb, starting at 18:00. The lecture is held by Mr. Mislav Vučić, Executive Director of JGL. The theme of the lecture is “Development and Growth of JGL”. JGL is a company founded in 1991 as the first fully privately owned pharmaceutical company in Croatia. The story of their success began with the separation from the Pharmacy “Jadran”, just after the break-up of…
Doğuş group investements in Croatia
Mr.Burak Baykan, MBA graduate od Touro University in Moscow, CEO D-Marin and regional director Dogus group will hold a lecture for members and guests of the MBA Croatia association.The lecture will be held on 16th April 2019., in the premises of the Congress Centre Forum Zagreb as part of the Green Gold Centre (Radnička 50, Zagreb) starting at 18:00 o’clock. For members of the Association of MBA Croatia admission is free, while the non-members donation for this lecture is 80.00…
MBA Croatia SPECIAL EDITION Lecture – powered by Deloitte
Herman Van Rompuy, former president of the European Council, will hold a lecture for members and guests of the MBA Croatia association. The lecture will be held on 14th of March 2019., on the premises of the Congress Centre Forum Zagreb as part of the Green Gold Centre (Radnička 50, Zagreb) starting at 18:00 o’clock. Admission is free for members of the MBA Croatia Association, while the non – members ticket donation is 200.00 kn and it can be purchased…
Malo brodogradilište za velike igrače – ili kako biti profitabilan u Hrvatskoj, i to u brodogradnji
MBA Croatia najavljuje novo zanimljivo predavanje, 19.03.2019., u Kongresnom centru forum Zagreb s početkom u18 sati. Predavanje drži gospodin Aljoša Pavelin, predsjednik Uprave i glavni izvršni direktor brodogradilišta “Viktor Lenac“. Tema predavanja: “Malo brodogradilište za velike igrače – ili kako biti profitabilan u Hrvatskoj, i to u brodogradnji”. Opis predavanja: Vrućina, hladnoća, kiša, vjetar, prašina, buka… Zvuči neugodno? E pa još je gore … No, zato ovaj posao rade samo posebni ljudi. Ljudi koji su u stanju izdržati nedaće…