MBA-ONICA: BOOM – Put slobode svakog poduzetnika i menadžera

Posted on September 21, 2021September 21, 2021Categories Uncategorized

Drage članice i članovi, Pozivamo vas na prvu MBA-onicu nakon ljetne stanke gdje nam je gost predavač gospodin Alan Žepec. Tema MBA-onice je: BOOM – Put slobode svakog poduzetnika i menadžera. MBA-onica se održava 27.09.2021. s početkom u 18:00 sati na lokaciji Hilton Garden Inn, Radnička cesta 21. O Radionici: Sve se više priča o inovativnim operativnim poslovnim modelima. Radni tjedan od 4 dana, potpuna transparentnost, zaposlenici kao psihološki vlasnici kompanije, samo-vođeni timovi, neograničen broj dana godišnjih odmora, utjecaj jutarnjeg stand up-a, zašto semafor i tako dalje. Što … Continue reading “MBA-ONICA: BOOM – Put slobode svakog poduzetnika i menadžera”

MBA Croatia’s Contribution to the Discussion on Competitiveness via Strengthening Civil Society

Posted on September 21, 2021September 21, 2021Categories Uncategorized

Introduction: MBA Croatia and Economy CompetitivenessMBA Croatia is an organization of civil society that engages in gathering alumni of all MBA Schools as well as all those who support values association promotes. MBA Croatia promotes education inbusiness, but also ethics, integrity and responsibility.Two pillars, through which we want to measure our impact in making a better society, both through our organization as well as our daily efforts as individuals, are: 1) how we can increase competitiveness and2) how we can … Continue reading “MBA Croatia’s Contribution to the Discussion on Competitiveness via Strengthening Civil Society”